Yin-Yang House - New 5 bedroom dwelling

Yin-Yang House is a new 5-Bedroom dwelling proposed for construction in Cawston, Rugby.

Unity Architects were appointed to develop the embryonic outline scheme into a sophisticated dwelling, combining functional efficiency with aspects of drama and delight.

Early contextual investigations established the armature of this building. The constraints and opportunities analysis suggested a building footprint of two blocks shifted in plan. The shifted blocks maximise the developable footprint of the site, whilst establishing the conceptual narrative of the dwelling as being two interconnected masses.

The blocks will be separated by a central glazed circulation space, exploring the interaction between solid and void. Complimentary light and dark material application will strengthen the interplay between mutually perpetuating forces: positive and negative, masculine and feminine, day and night. This is the creation of Yin-Yang House.

“Beauty via simplicity. The dynamic between two adjacent masses. An entwinned relationship that creates intrigue as you move through the spaces. Two halves inseparably linked for the creation of a harmonious dwelling.”

Jason Laity BA[Hons] DipArch DipAP RIBA


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